Identity Management In The Cloud


There are many benefits associated with cloud-based technologies. The business agility can be increased and cost of operation can be reduced by choosing cloud solutions. It is possible to expand the business by reaching new markets. However, secure identities can be maintained, and there will not be any issues in this direction.

Embrace Technology Trends

As you go for a virtual hosted desktop, you will embrace new technology trends in a very efficient way. The information and services of your business are needed by employees as well as consumers. You will want to fulfill the aspirations of clients in the best possible way.

Businesses should not compromise on intellectual property rights when they subscribe to cloud computing solutions such as sharepoint in cloud. Even though enterprises get an external identity, there should not be loss of control of internal applications and infrastructure.

The service provider should address the security in cloud-based solutions. The adoption of private and hybrid clouds is hindered citing the reason of security. Service providers should address security concerns of clients so that there will quick adaptation of cloud solutions.

Identity Management

To enjoy the full potential of cloud computing technology ‘identity management’ should be addressed in a very efficient manner. The information should be accessed safely and there should not be any scope for data pilferage. Hence, the service provider should address identity as well as access management.

The security and privacy concerns are escalating on a daily basis. The unauthorized access to customer information should be prevented at all costs. As a matter of fact, attackers are using highly sophisticated and complex techniques to snake into network. Attackers can stay under the radar and are waiting to steal information on a large scale. To access credentials, criminals target certain users.

The organization should be prepared to place strong identity and controls on data present within the four walls as well as on the data stored on cloud. The organization should understand the latest standards and guidelines as stipulated by regulatory agencies. It should update the hardware and software on regular basis to stand at par with the industry standards.

Role of Cloud Experts

The clouds experts will help clients and deliver goods on behalf of cloud service provider. provides more information in this direction. Identity and access management is crucial in cloud. Hence, you should address your concerns by consulting trained and experienced consultants.

The environment should be understood and cloud should be targeted in right direction. The cloud can be any of different services listed on the website, The services include IaaS, PaaS and SaaS. The risk and identity handling differ from one service to another service.

In case of IaaS, the identity and access for administrators should be considered. While going for private IaaS, there should be consideration of hardware, network components and virtualization. The organization hiring the cloud service should asses the capabilities of the cloud service provider. There should be support for various industry standards such as SPML, and SAML.

There will be application users, OS & application administrators and cloud administrators. The access controls should be mapped to each type of user.

Risk Assessment

As you choose Office 365 for Business, there will be a great convenience to conduct business. Employees, as well as customers will be able to get access to information at any time. There is great time-saving potential. However, the convenience should not be at the expense of security.

The risk factors should be mitigated by implementing a robust strategy. It is possible to avoid some operations by foregoing some features. The mitigation will take place by addressing in the IAM design. Contracts should be executed with the cloud service provider before transferring data and access controls. The organization should accept the risk and suitable budget should be allocated to deal with emergencies.

During the design phase, relevant activities should be included. These activities include process framework, policy creation, test plan creation and defining the metrics. There should be fair assessment of identity management in the datacenter and cloud. The assessment should be done in terms of cost, security of the identity store, technology updates, vendor lock-in and integration of on-premise applications.

As Identity management and other aspects are cost-effective with the cloud. An efficient strategy should be implemented to minimize losses and maximize benefits.


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