5 Winter ‘16 Jewellery Trends

The summer months were enjoyable and bright, but sadly the time for bringing out the flowery dress and accompanying cuff has passed (at least until next year!). But of course, there’s jewellery you can wear along with your winter garments. Here’s the 5 biggest trends to know this winter.
Bracelet Over Sleeves
A stand-out look from the New York, Paris, London and Milan fashion weeks was the look of the bracelet worn over the top of the sleeve or a longer glove. Depending on the type of bracelet, it was worn either on top of the elbow or on the wrist. When wanting to choose what bracelet you want there is obviously a wide range to choose from: bangles, cuffs, wrap bracelets etc. As this is a unique style with it worn over your clothing you want to make sure it is a nice piece, but the one you choose is important. You don’t want to be forking out for a Theo Fennel bracelet when there’s something just as complimenting that doesn’t empty your pockets.
Return of the Traditional Pearl Necklace
Over the past year, pearl necklaces have had been given more of a modern twist and have been worn as more of a choker or along with a longer necklace. For years diamond jewellery has been really popular, with many people even buying loose diamonds online and making their own custom designs. This winter however, the pearl necklace is back. With the traditional string, the pearls can be worn along with a bronze or tan coat as the traditional look of the coat will complement the pearls nicely. A pearl necklace is essentially a fairly generic piece and it is hard to differentiate between two different strings (unless you can afford the riches to purchase a real one) so just purchase one that fits to standard.
The Statement Watch
Go for a unique watch this winter, that will make you stand out from the rest. Brands like U-Boat watches have distinguished features compared to other timepieces. Their use of materials is hugely selective and each watch is hand crafted with advanced and unique practices which include acid baths. Going for a brand like this will get you noticed.
Punk is still big
The punk-rock look has been one that has been visited a few times over the past few seasons, and going into winter ‘16 it seems as though this surge is set to continue. The punk look is big across a number of jewellery pieces with thick chokers still a blossoming look. With the necklaces and bracelets, the colours of black and chrome will go well with the standard winter wardrobe. These types of pieces aren’t likely to give you too much of an issue as far as price is concerned.
This is a trend that helps make any outfit stand out, and going into this winter it appears multiple layers of jewellery are set to give to shine to the gloomy weather. This can be done with one piece of jewellery that is designed to be multi-layered or by getting several different coloured pieces. Judging by the respective fashion weeks it is the metallic jewellery that is set to be in the layers. There are many options for getting your multilayers, the one-piece design is likely to be the best option and will go well with a variety of evening and day-time outfits.